- Important of Time Management
- Time management techniques
- Summery
Time management is very important and necessary work which you have to do for achieving your goals.
You all know that TIME IS MONEY. So, as you manage your money and utilize it, on right place or for right work... The same you have to utilize your time on right place and for right work….. So lets dive into topic and let's check tips and techniques on time management..
1. Set goals and make to do list :
Proper time management is always starts with setting clear goals because after setting goals you can realize in which direction you want to go in life.
After setting goals you have to make a list of work which is called TO DO LIST.
In which, you have to write down all the work and tasks which you have to do for achieving your goals.
After that, make monthly to do list and most important make daily to do list and write all that work which you have to do in a particular day…
This will give you a clear picture of all those work which you have to do.
How to get success easier with PLAN?
2. Plan your day in advance :
It's well said that Goal without plan its just a wish and if your goal is more than a wish then you have to plan your day in advance..
Best quote for plan |
For that if you have to make a daily to do list and a proper timetable. Here is a tip..
don’t try to plan your day in morning but try to plan your day the night before. That means plan your next before you sleep.
In planning of your day, make a proper timetable of each and every activity which you have to do in particular day…
And, make sure you make a space for a break in your timetable.
3. Make a morning routine :
A perfect morning routine is a backbone of time management.
Starting of your day is must be fresh.
You should stop thinking about your past in morning, & you should do some routine activity like making your bed and getting ready or doing some exercises..
These all activities will help you to win your morning and if you win your morning then you can win your day easily.
4. Eat that frog :
Brian Tracy said in his book “eat that frog” that “ if it's your job to eat a frog, its best to do it first thing in morning. And if your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one”.
It’s all about prioritising.
Do the most important task first.
For example...
If you have to do task A and B to do and if A task is more important than B.
Then you should do the A task first and after B.
5. Eliminate distraction :
Notification , pop up massages , emails, some people , t.v. , mobile all pulls your attention from work and distract you.
You have to focus and eliminate all this distraction , there are many ways to stay focused.
You can put away your mobile , turn of social media, seat alone and seat away from t.v.
6. Self awareness :
Be self aware try to find out in which activity you are wasting your time..
Be self aware and follow your time table..
Be self aware and stop making excuses..
Be self aware and realize that your time is precious and if you want to achieve your dreams you have to manage your time.
7. Meditation :
If you are thinking how can meditation help you to manage your time then I want to tell you that meditation will help you for each and every problems of your life…
Meditation will help you to stay focused and provide you a great source of energy and determination …which will help you to follow all these time management techniques… so start practice meditation daily.
8. Allocate your time :
Do you know how much time you spend on any particular tasks? NO!!
Then you should allocate your time for your different tasks.
If you know how much of your time you allocate to tasks, projects, and different activities, you will be able to better organize your workday and workflow.
9. Stop being multitasking :
We often listen that try to be multitasking, try to do many work…
But I think The truth is, multitasking damages our brain.
But, when you try to do more then one task at a time, then you will not be able to focus on any work and you can't do a single task properly.
So, it’s better to do one task at a time to stay focused and engaged in your work.
10. Appreciate yourself :
Have you finished the task or project you were working on ? Great!!
Now.. take a break a break, appreciate yourself and do something for yourself.
Drink a cup of coffee or tea , listen to your favorite music, or call your friend. Give a small gift to yourself like chocolates or anything which you love because
The little rewards are a great way of motivating yourself.
Now use these techniques and manage your time and get your goals….all the best.